Payment Terms and Conditions

These "Payment Terms and Conditions" apply to all products offered on the website. In this context, products refer to forms of participation in the forum.

1. Copyright

It is not allowed to use any materials from the website by third parties without prior consent from the website administration.

2. Terms of Participation Payment

Payment for participation in the forum is made through the CloudPayments service (, which aggregates all popular payment systems: bank cards, electronic money, payment terminals, etc.

Payment for participation via WebMoney is made directly to the WebMoney R-wallet specified during payment.

3. Payment Confirmation Time and Participation Access

Payment confirmation usually occurs within 1-5 minutes. In case of emergency situations in the operation of the website and/or the CloudPayments service, payment confirmation may occur within 1-2 days. Payment confirmation (email) is merely a formality and is for informational purposes. The guarantee of participation is the successful completion of the payment and the inclusion of the person's data in the database (this happens automatically when paying through the payanyway service or manually when paying directly in case payment through the specified service is not possible).

Any payment below the prices listed on the main page of the website, which is recorded in our database, is not legitimate and is subject to a refund. If the payment amount does not match the participation package price at the time of payment (except when using an official promo code), such payment is also not considered legitimate and is subject to a refund. The user who made an illegitimate purchase is not allowed to participate in the Forum. A commission is withheld when refunding an illegitimate purchase, similar to the commission withheld during a voluntary refund (see the corresponding clause of the offer agreement). The website administration reserves the right to refuse participation in the Forum without explanation.

4. Contact Information

Any questions can be sent to [email protected]

Legal entity: Limited Liability Company "MEDIA AGENCY"

Legal address: 117105, Moscow, Varshavskoe sh., d. 1A, office V003, office 1

Taxpayer Identification Number (INN)/KPP 7726476089 / 772601001

Organization code by the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO) 55194936

Current account № 40702810801300027408

Bank Identification Code (BIC) 044525593

Correspondent account 4070281080130002740

Current account № 30101810200000000593

Bank name: JSC "ALFA-BANK", Moscow